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Member Project Gallery

The Trail of Tears by Michael Smith

photo of a segmented vessel

This is a round portal using an inlay method to place the rose in. There are two hundred thirty eight pieces and six different wood species in the piece. They are; American cherry, Sapele, Purple Heart, Hard Maple, walnut, and Yellow Heart. It is sixteen inches tall and is ten inches in diameter at the feature ring.

Segmented Bowl by Charlie Breese

The segmented bowl is butter nut cherry and spalted maple

The segmented bowl is butter nut cherry and spalted maple.

Segmented Vessel by Terry Klarich

Segmented vessel state fare winner

This beautiful vessel won first place at the Oklahoma state fair.

Prize Winning Bowls by Mike Smith

photo shows a 10 inch segmented bowl

First photo shows a 10 inch segmented bowl made with cherry as the main color and ipe bands outlining diamonds made of paduk and ash background for the red diamonds. The second photo is a walnut and ash striped turned square candy dish on a walnut turned pedestal.

Hand Turned Scrolls by Mike Hamley

scroel mounted on a wall

These are hand turned scrols Mike made for his church