Woodworking for the Blind
Here is a list of other Internet web woodworking and related sites. You should find a vast source of woodworking information to help you plan and build your projects.
If you know of other sites you would like to see on this list. Pleas email us the address. There is an email link at the bottom of this page.
Note: These links are in no particular order of preference or anything else.
A nice collection of beginner woodworking projects suggested to us by Brendan at Hastings Recreation and Community Center in Minnesota. The page title home improvement projects may be a little confusing as they are more beginner woodworking projects.
The following link will take you to a project and plan page found on the Dragon Fire Tools page.
This is the site for Fine Woodworking Magazine. A lot of things require a member ship. This link will take you to a 14 day free trial. The annual renewal price is $34.95.
The following has a lot of good info with an extensive knowledge base.
New Woodworker LLC This is a good site for tool reviews and tips and techniques.
The following is a place to buy hardwoods domestic and exotic as well as woodworking supplies.
the wood whisperer .com This is a cool site for beginners and up. Also includes pod cast.
This is a free how to get started in woodworking video from Fine woodworking Magazine. They show you how to make 2 projects and you can download the plans. One is a cutting board and the other a small box.
This is season 2 of the Fine Woodworking video getting started in woodworking. Here they show how to build a bookcase. They use many woodworking techniques.
Woodworkers Guild of America has a lot of good information with articles and videos.